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Wearing A Wig To Work: My Experience
Ever been curious about wig wearing around work colleagues? Here I'm breaking down my experience wearing a wig to work. And I'm not just talking a few hours in the office... I was with my coworkers for three days. Plus team dinners and team building activities...
You know.... Like trust falls.
Let's start with background. For about the past year whenever I'd need to travel and meet with colleagues I would always have on my UniWigs hair topper with bangs. For more on this piece check out my blog post HERE for the details.
The last time my coworkers and I were all together was maybe 4 months ago. And I'd seen a few of them a little more recently.. Let's say maybe like two months prior. The night before my flight when I was unloading my dryer I found none other than my favorite hair topper...It had gotten washed in the washing machine and dried...on high...
The horror.....

I went into full panic mode. What was I going to do? I really didn't want to pack my toppers without bangs because I hated trying to blend my hairline with the topper.
I also didn't want to deal with the hassle of having to wake up extra early and add in hair extensions...
I liked the idea of just throwing on a wig and going...It seemed like the most convenient solution. But I was terrified of wearing a wig to work.
When I thought about why, I think it was because I didn't want to be viewed as different, or weird. And I didn't want to feel like I was on the outside, separate from everyone else.
I never really cared if someone knew I was in a wig or not while at the mall or dining in a restaurant... Odds are I'd never see those people again...But wearing a wig to work seemed much much more personal.
My work colleagues knew me... They'd seen me. And when they did, I was usually rocking bangs. My wig was also much shorter with highlights throughout. For more on the wig I'm referencing check out my post HERE.
I asked my mom, "But what if they know it's a wig?"
"Who cares?" she said and shrugged her shoulders. Ummm lol. It felt very much like I cared.
In fact, I cared a lot.
But I decided maybe this was one of those moments in life where you're given an opportunity to GROW...To step up and face your fears...
Alexa, "play the song, Lose yourself by Eminem!"