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Hair Loss Support Groups??? But I have supportive friends...Why would I need that?
This is what I used to think...
When my hair loss began to progress to my hairline I felt lower than I have ever felt in my life. It became difficult to even look at myself in the mirror. Talking to friends and family also didn't make me feel much better. I felt "brushed off" (I'm sorry, I had to..) when I would try to open up about how emotionally painful it was for me to be losing my hair.
I just wanted to talk to someone who could actually relate to what I was going through. But I was the only one in my friend group with androgenic alopecia. That's when my brother suggested I get on reddit and find groups to join about hair loss. These hair loss support groups gave me a space to open up about a condition that often made me question my own self worth.
I also felt like I needed to write a post like this after learning about 12-year-old Rio Allred, a middle school student who took her own life after being bullied because of her alopecia.
Reading her story made me breakdown. It's hard to write about my feelings surrounding this young girl and I know this isn't the only case where bullying has resulted in someone taking their own life. Things have to change.
If you have a child or know a child with alopecia, a resource that is currently recognized by the American Hair Loss Association is: The Children's Alopecia Project. You can check out their website HERE. Their mission is to help any child in need who is living with all forms of alopecia.
If you are struggling with anxiety and depression, or if you're feeling unlovable, and unworthy I hope you know that you are not alone. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone and ask for help. The only way others can know you're in pain is if you speak up. And if you're worried about your mental health it's definitely worth bringing up with your physician too. Don't be afraid to have an open and honest conversation about where you're at emotionally.
If anyone is struggling with bullying, depression, or experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255).
Here's what I'm serving up in this post:
What prompted me joining hair loss support groups
What I like about hair loss support groups
Different groups that I've joined
How it's helped me improve my overall wellness
What Prompted Me Joining Hair Loss Support Groups...
So often we associate long, and thick hair with femininity...But I didn't have that...How was I still a woman? I felt like I needed to hide who I was and that feeling was soo sooooo heavy to carry around.
Here comes the SHAME...
I have felt a sense of shame about my hair loss... Maybe you're familiar with this feeling as well? Here's something that might help...I'm not sure if you're familiar with the work of Dr. Brene Brown, but she has some great insights on shame.
I really encourage you to check out her Ted talks. In one of them Brown discussed how empathy is the antidote for shame. She explained how shame needs three things to grow exponentially in our lives: secrecy, silence, and judgement.
I think that keeping quiet about my hair loss had really helped my shame grow over the years. I was doing all three of those things she mentioned. But talking about it on my blog or in these support groups and receiving empathy has been a total game changer. It has helped me to realize I'm not alone.
Now, I'm not saying my feelings of shame are gone...But this has been exercise that has made me feel a little happier....and a little lighter.
The female hair loss community is also such a compassionate community of women who are up-lifting to one another. Being part of these groups has helped to change my outlook on hair loss. There's seriously so so so many of us out there.
I've struggled with thoughts like..."Why am I not normal?" I've avoided social events and had so much anxiety and fear over whether someone else would be able to tell my hair was thinning...
When you visit these support groups you can find women proudly sharing their hair loss stories.
These women are out in the open, bald spots exposed... talking into the camera. They're sharing tips and tricks for things like how to create a messy bun while wearing a wig, how to get your hair topper to blend-in with your hairline, sharing treatment options, along with tons of inspirational quotes and messages.
Hair Loss Support Groups I Have Joined On Reddit...
Here are the deets along with the descriptions I pulled from the groups:
Number of members at the time this post was written: 107,234
This is reddits most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss and balding. This group discusses hair loss remedies, research, technologies, transplants, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealment, whether to “take the plunge” and shave your head, and how your treatment progress or shaved head or hairstyle looks.
Number of members at the time this post was written: 2,382
This sub-reddit hopes to highlight research and individual case reports of success or failure with various treatments for androgenic alopecia
Number of members at the time this post was written: 19,659
This group is for women who have experienced hair loss for any reason to come together and share their experiences.